Monday, February 11, 2008

On this Valentine

Dear on this Valentine,

I thought of penning down some words for you,

I wanted to write something from the core of my heart,

That is pure and true,

I spent some time thinking,

And million thoughts flooded every time I was winking,

Now there I had a problem,

How could i write so much in so little time,

I tried to contract, I suppressed, I shortened & I squeezed the words,

& I am still wondering how did so much came into such small brain of mine,

Anyways I read my composition till here,

And I found that there was no mention of you anywhere,

Is it that I wanted to hide something,

Or had I said everything,

For a girl as sweet as you,

Do I have to limit my imagination to words few,

But still if you so insist,

You rank on TOP of my wish list,

And when somebody is wanted by someone so much,

Do I still need to tell you as such,

I will forever want you and love you,

That I will find always in you a day new...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey gud one rahul..u hve nt changed still write dose touchy poems..keep up!!

Poetries inspired by life as it comes!

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