Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Can I live forever

I wanted to live forever,

I wanted to evade death in a way clever,

How could I be remembered always?,

Everytime & Anytime for long nights and longer days,

Then I thought out a way,

Perhaps then I will live forever, I must say,

I gotta life where i can see,

Also I have kidneys, coz I get up every morning to pee,

I gotta healthy heart,

Coz m in love & I can flirt,

I am full of blood,

I can see that everytime when m hurt,

When I lay on my death bed,

My family would be proud coz I have planned for happiness to spread,

Let a blind be given my eyes,

And then I will see this world getting nice,

Let a deaf be given my ear,

& then I'll hear the sound of life more clear,

Donate my kidneys to some one who is in need,

For living, no more let him plead,

Give my blood to a boy who met with an accident,

Let those parents not grieve for whom the only hope that child meant,

Take every possible cell out of my body,

So that there is speech and smile for somebody,

And then I will be remembered forever,

My deeds will let me die never...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little shaky, little bumpy, little smooth and little flat - but we got home safe anyway :-)

You've got a little work to do over here to make this ride run like it's running on an autobahn

Poetries inspired by life as it comes!

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